Miss Julie who you may remember from her dress redesign, and Cardi-Blazer dropped by with additional items to revamp. This piece was her mother’s prom dress from the 60s. It had an itty-bitty waist and was much too small, but between the fabric and sentimental value, it had some major potential.


We agreed to turn it into a skirt. Julie mentioned how a co-worker of hers had a skirt with an amazing waistband. She showed me a picture, and I was totally on board because I have already added that same  flattering waistband to other designs of ours (Like this!)


So I figured out the placement of the skirt on the fabric (removing any old stains), tailored the sides, patterned the waistband, added a blue stripe to the bottom of the band to make it pop, and finished it off with an exposed navy zip in back to play off of the pattern.


There you have it–a great modern shirt that you never would guess was recycled from a prom dress!


Do you have an old dress with sentimental value that you want to hang onto? Give us a call to schedule an appointment at  (202)567-7668 or email us at info@gingerrootdesign.com and we can help brainstorm!

*Tailoring by appointment only, closed Wednesdays and Sundays.”

About the author

Kristen is one of the owners and founders of Ginger Root Design and ReVamp ReWear Design and Tailoring.

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