Meet the Artist: Yasmin Bowers

Looking at Yasmin Bower’s jewelry, you wouldn’t think it’s from recycled materials. It’s all so dazzling (and comes in such rich colors)! But in fact, each and every piece of YB Green Jewelry is made from old glass bottles.  Not just any glass bottles, but ones collected in the 9th Ward of New Orleans. Yasmin focuses on New Orleans specifically because they no longer recycle glass after Hurricane Katrina. In that sense, YB Green is not just a jewelry line, but a call to action. By making jewelry from glass that would otherwise get thrown out, Yasmin hopes to educate others about a vital public service that currently does not exist in the city.

Get to know more about Yasmin and the story behind her inspiring jewelry! Even better,  you can meet Yasmin in person on Friday April 19th between 6pm and 9pm.  We’ll be showing off her brand new spring line and also wishing her good luck on the exciting things that her line has in store!

You can get all the details and sign up for the event here.

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How did you come to Ginger Root Design? Honestly….I was looking for a ring by Rachel Pfeffer. Honey Knuckles, I think. I loved the store so much that I walked right up to Kristen and told her about YB Green. The rest is history.

What inspired you to begin making jewelry?  Glass recycling. My interest in jewelry was secondary to my interest in the cause. I needed the City of New Orleans to know how ridiculous it is NOT to publicly recycle glass. If little ole me could do it, then they can too. After I committed to the cause, I needed to find an outlet. I thought of jewelry because it’s a small portable billboard to continue to raise awareness. It was important for me to keep the price points affordable, so that I could reach more and expose people to environmental, social and health issues who may not be exposed to it in their daily lives.

How has your work evolved over time? The Gingers and their customers have seen YB Green evolve over the past year and a half. I have a feel for my customer base, so I have to balance creativity with wearability. I want to make sure that I have items with mass appeal, so I started a series of studs that just took off. After months of requests, I created tie clips and cuff links for the menfolk. The thing I like about local artists and boutiques/festivals that support us is that accountability and transparency is they’re unlike our manufactured counterpoints. My customers and supporters have my email address and cell phone number. I am wide-open. I accept and encourage feedback and I use it to evolve the look of YB Green. I want people to stay as connected to this social enterprise and really understand how their support is not just for YB Green but for the 9th Ward, for local artists, and for recycling.

What inspires your designs and creations? I am desired by the seasons. Since I source my raw materials, I can only use what people give to me or what I find (yes I pick up trash) in my neighborhood in the 9th Ward. I use the seasons to inspire me, and this Spring/Summer I’m mixing colors like yellow, blue and green–which are YB Green’s colors. Recently, I started working with some leather swatches that my brother (who’s a designer) had scraps of. It’s still the theme of recycling and has also been gaining in popularity.

What is your favorite thing to do in DC? Thursday night Karaoke and Patrick Alban and Noche Latina at Madams Organ!

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About the author

Julie serves as Ginger Root Design's shop lady, occasional receptionist and all around jane-of-all-trades.

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