Meet Stephanie! Being a 6’1″ tall woman, she often has trouble finding clothing that will fit her height and torso. She brought in this green dress knowing about the creative alterations we do, and after seeing some of our other blog posts, she was hoping we could get creative in a way that would not be too noticeable.
Creative tailoring revamps
She suggested we pop open the shoulder seam to add extra fabric to lower the waist so she could breath (not that that’s important or anything!) This was a great idea and right up our alley!
Tailoring customer profile before

So here’s what we decided on:

First we slimmed the skirt quite a bit, and hemmed then hemmed it. Using the scrap from the hem, we created a yolk to add into the top of the shoulder (you can barely see it in our detail picture).

creative tailoring alterations Since we had to figure out something to do with the sleeves since they would no longer fit the armhole, Stephanie decided she wanted a cap sleeve. Now she has a dress that clears her rib cage with the right fit and the right length!





creative tailoring alterations

Do you have troubles finding clothing that fits? We might be able to get creative with some of the stuff already in your closet!

Give us a call to schedule an appointment at  (202)567-7668 or email us at and we can help brainstorm!

*Tailoring by appointment only, closed Wednesdays and Sundays.

About the author

Kristen is one of the owners and founders of Ginger Root Design and ReVamp ReWear Design and Tailoring.

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