Daniel brought us an Italian suit he had hanging in the closet but wasn’t quite happy with it. He typically wears jackets that are perfectly tailored, and this jacket didn’t quite do it: it was all around a little too big for what he preferred. We agreed that this suit re-cutting wouldn’t be drastic, but we could definitely tweak the suit a little bit everywhere to fit exactly how he likes.



We started by fitting the suit jacket in at the waist as far as we could, but still giving him a little mobility. This we slimmed the chest, and brought in the shoulder.



I also noticed that the sleeve was shaped in a way that on him, it created puckers at the top. To resolve this, I re-pinned the shape of the sleeve cap, and that did the trick!





To finish the coat off, we brought the hem up to make it more modern and stylish. As for the pants, they required nothing crazy–just a simple taper and hem. And there you have it!



Do you have a suit that you want the fit tweaked on? Give us a call to schedule an appointment at (202)567-7668 or email us at info@gingerrootdesign.com.

*Tailoring by appointment only. Closed Wednesdays and Sundays.

About the author

Kristen is one of the owners and founders of Ginger Root Design and ReVamp ReWear Design and Tailoring.

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